News from GBSD and NHW...

Another grey day up here in the North West, but there’s lots of good news to brighten it!

Briefly, this year’s GBSD (Great British Skinny Dip) calendar continues to grow, the first NHW (Naked Heart Walk) of 2023 was a smashing – and interesting – success, and you’ll have a chance to quiz the hard-working British Naturism/British Heart Foundation team making it all happen next week...

First, the GBSD events. I’ve just checked the calendar and I see that there are dips most weekends in the coming months, and a nice mixture of pool and beach events. Two return venues have now added swims:

Kerensa Cottage on July 15 and August 11

Oxnat’s Dip at Didcot Wave Pool on July 29 and September 23

Yes, it’s hard to think about immersing yourself in outdoor water right now; I’m an open water swimmer and I haven’t even dared try out my new wetsuit! But Spring is coming, and now’s the time not only to book your nudie swims but also to find lots of additional suitable venues for them, especially if there is not much happening down your way.

Now, about those Naked Heart Walks:

The first one of 2023 took place on March 26 at Adlington Hall and Gardens. Sixteen walkers arrived to brave the cool breezes. There were more newbies than regular Naturists! And although the event was clothing-optional, as are all the NHWs this year, everyone stripped off. The new-to-Naturism walkers are now looking for other opportunities to walk clothes-free. And, fantastically, the event raised £280 for the BHF.

After this “unanticipated experience,” we're urging all of you to find more local spots for such taster events. If you have something in mind, give your regional organiser a shout!

And, of course, this was just the first walk of many over coming months. Find out more  at

Finally, in case you didn’t know this: These skinny dips and walks don’t just happen out of the blue. They’re lovingly and meticulously planned for and arranged by a hard-working group of BN and BHF people. Many of them will be appearing at the 3 April Forum Live to tell you what they’ve been up to, what they’re planning and what you can do to help. Be sure to tune in!


GBSDs in June are busting out all over!


More Great British Skinny Dips! More Naked Heart Walks!