Why Swim Naked?
Dippers at Arundel Lido in 2019
With the Great British Skinny Dip well under way, it’s a good time to think about naked swimming in general. Why do we do it? What are the benefits? Is it legal?
Those of us who are open-water swimmers (and those of us who simply enjoy a brief plunge) might find food for thought in a recent story from Outdoor Swimmer magazine
The article looks at the legal issues around naked swimming, with input from our own Andrew Welch. It also touches on the history of nude bathing as well as its impact on our wellbeing and body confidence.
And there’s more thought-provoking writing about skinny-dipping from the Outdoor Swimming Society
If these stories have inspired you to throw off your clothes and jump in the water, check out the Great British Skinny Dip